
Активатор для Windows 7
Новый активатор для операционной системы Windows 7. Этот пакет программ позволяет активировать операционку легко и быстро. Для активации доступны 2 метода: релизы от GRP и WZT. Перед активацией обязательно прочтите инструкцию.
New Windows 7 activation toolkit. Just get yourself Windows 7 releases from GRP or WZT, choose one of the activation methods and you’re good to go. Read instructions first.

A small app that will install a Key, Certificate, OEM info. NO LOADER!! this app is intended for BIOS modders. Im still working on this, so try to break it and report how to recreate the crash so it can get fixed. You are free to modify and redistribute this app with your modded bios's.

Изменения в версиях:

-Renamed the "I have modded BIOS" checkbox to "Install Key and Cert only" because of changes to how O7A loads.
-Made it so when you run O7A, the program automatically sets the "Install Key and Cert only" check box if SLIC 2.1 is already present. (For a 1-click activator setup :-))
-Added new HP Windows 7 Ultimate product key.
-Added option to dump the SLIC to a file in Advanced Options window (thanks to PAYMYRENT and MasterDisaster!)
-Added option to dump the Certificate in the Advanced Options window.
-Added "NoBoot" command-line argument (or switch). Using this argument when running O7A will make it so that when a user uses the "Insert SLIC into bootmgr" option, the hacked bootmgr will be installed normally but O7A will not run the "bootsect.exe" tool after. This is done to prevent interference with 3rd party apps like FD that need to run during boot.
-Added the following new SLICs and Certificates: Haier, TongFang.
-Updated help documentation.

Размер: 5.23 Mb
ОС: Windows Vista / Server 2008 / 7
Интерфейс: English
Таблэтка: ненужна

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